Quirky and rebellious April Burns lives with her boyfriend in a low-rent New York City apartment miles away from her emotionally distant family. But when she discovers that her mother has a fatal form of breast cancer, she invites the clan to her place for Thanksgiving. While her father struggles to drive her family into the city, April — an inexperienced cook — runs into kitchen trouble and must ask a neighbor for help.
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Tagline:She’s the one in every family.
Quality: HD
Year: 2003
Duration: 81 Min
Budget:$ 300.000,00
Director:Peter Hedges
Cast:Adrian Martinez, Alice Drummond, Alison Pill, Anney Giobbe, Armando Riesco, Birdie M. Hale, Christine Todino, Derek Luke, Elizabeth Douglass, Ficchi, Isiah Whitlock Jr., Jack Chen, Jacqueline Dai, Jamari Richardson, John Gallagher Jr., Katie Holmes, Leila Danette, Lillias White, Marcus Lovett, Oliver Platt, Patricia Clarkson, Rosa Luo, Rusty De Wees, Sally Leung Bayer, Sean Hayes, Sisqó, Stephen Chen, Susan Bruce, Vincent Roselli, Vitali Baganov